Invitation to Membership

The American Creed Academy
Invitation to Membership. Membership has a long-term effect as the constitution is modeled on Plato’s Academy which lasted more than 8 centuries.
The American Creed Academy is a mutual benefit for profit society and is honored to spearhead the Genius Revolution which was foreshadowed in the Old Testament of Moses, anticipated in the U.S. Declaration of Independence, extolled in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address and finally established as a scientific fact by researchers from Kyoto to Harvard and many places in between. The American Creed Academy recognizes that “flat earthers” will battle this concept as vehemently as they fought against the roundness of the earth or the validity of biological evolution. We therefore welcome allies from all over the world. There are benefits to furthering a revolution. It means that our children will live in a healthier, saner and more just world: For every $10 contribution one receives one (1) share in this investor-owned cooperative, for profit enterprise, Additional rewards are listed in the table below.
Contribution to the Academy | Benefits and privileges of Life Members |
All | Name engraved on permanent obelisk Honor Roll and estimated 8% of contribution annually after ten years |
$10 | Name engraved on permanent Obelisk Honor Role and one share of stock. |
$50 | Above, plus the book, SuperParenting: Child Rearing for the New Millennium |
$250 | Name on a permanent brick on a walkway |
$500 | Discount coupon of 10% on all future concerts and athletic events at the Academy |
$2,500 | A Permanent Pass to the Academy’s Olympic Swimming Pool |
$50,000 | Naming a street within the campus |
$250,000 | Naming a Gate to the Campus |
$500,000 | Privilege of naming a campus residence house. |
$1m | Privilege of naming a classroom building |
$5m | Privilege of naming an athletic structure |
$10m | Privilege of naming The Learning Tower, the main building |
$25m | Privilege of naming the geodesic dome over The Leaning Tower |
Application for Membership
Address and contact Information: President: Professor William Maxwell, Ed.D.
P.O. Box 52 Nashville, Arkansas, 71852; Tele: 404.323.1403
A GoFundMe account has been established and is now active. Persons may become members by two routes:
- GoFundMe
- Checks to the Academy’s postal address. (Please be sure to identify fully the investor or donor, with full address for the acknowledgement of the participation).
Applicant Name: ________________________
Postal Address: ________________________
_____ This purchase is for another person (baby or child or other)
Recipient Name: ________________________
Date of Birth (if recipient is a minor)_________
(All ownership certificates and correspondence will be mailed to the purchaser’s address.)
Applicant’s preferred email address and telephone number: ________________
The Constitution and Bylaws will be drafted and submitted to all members for approval after the first $100,000 is received at Arvest Bank. Attorney (first name and last name and address) has agreed to draft the bylaws pro bono. The funds will be released to the officers only after at least 100 members approve the Constitution and By-laws.
I, the applicant, agree to have $_____ monthly withdrawn from my account for one year for a total of $________ annually. I understand that no further withdrawals will occur after one year unless I specifically approve in writing.
I also understand that a salesperson fee of up to 10% may be paid. I further understand that dividends will start after five years. The projected return on investment is 8% and that my membership benefits do not affect my children’s or other relative’s application status.
The first 100 persons will be named as “Charter Members” and their privileges delineated in the Constitution.
I have studied the website of the American Creed Academy, and wish to participate in the establishment of an educational system of the future which will promote social justice, particularly the child’s right to a first-class education.
Signature: ________________________ Date: __________