The Genius Mystery

Your child (and every child) is a potential genius
The Universe draws our awe because it is filled with beauty and mysteries. One of those mysteries has been solved. Genius is no longer a mystery, nor viewed as an accident. Genius is potential in every human mind.
Genesis 1:26 proclaims that all humans are created in the “image” of God. Since God is a Creative Genius, what must all humans potentially be? The inspired U.S. Declaration of Independence affirms that logic. Music educator Shin-Ichi Suzuki of Japan who was mentored by Professor Albert Einstein found one reason why all humans lose their genius; That genius is not watered and cultivated at the right time and with the right stimulation.
SuperParenting by William Maxwell marshals further evidence to prove the point and outlines the major parental actions needed to discover and mentor the child’s God-given genius-level talents.
Your child (and every child) is a potential genius at conception with 86,000,000,000 clever neurons. Whether or not the child develops that genius depends primarily upon the parents. New brain research out of Japan, particularly by Professor Kisou Kubota, MD, Ph.D., establishes that “Age 8 is too late” to discover and mentor geniuses.
Here are a few basic rules to help your child develop his or her genius, thereby bring wealth into the family. The research behind these basic Rules are detailed in the annotated references:
- Rule 1. Believe that your child is a potential genius at conception: per Genesis:
Genesis 1:26; per the U.S. Declaration of Independence; per Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address; per hundreds of research studies by such psychologists as Anne Roe, Robert Rosenthal and Howard Gardner at Harvard University; brain scientist Kisou Kubota, MD, Ph.D., Kyoto University; anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss at the Sorbonne; socio-biologist Edmund Wilson at Harvard; and such eminences as Alfred Binet, the inventor of the IQ test; the poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe who wrote, “If children were raised in accord with their earliest inclinations, the world would be populated with naught but geniuses.” and Albert Einstein. And, per the inspired intuition of music educator Shin-Ichi Suzuki of Japan and who was mentored by Albert Einstein. - Rule 2. Ensure that your child is conceived and reared in an atmosphere of boundless love:
Never spank your child and never use a rebuking tone of voice with your child, per Anne Roe and the governments of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. - Rule 3. Make sure your child is raised in an environment of order, with great beauty:
(Prof. Masahiko Fujiwara, Professor Emeritus of Ochanomizu Women’s College in Tokyo Japan, studied the up-bringing and environments of the world’s greatest mathematical geniuses, particularly S. Ramanujan of India.) - Rule 4. Music Lessons begin before birth: (Suzuki and Howard Gardner at Harvard)
- Rule 5. Observe carefully the child from birth:
Beginning about 8 months after birth notice the child’s “attention inclinations,” that is, what interests the child? The more varied the early experiences, the wiser the child. (Prof. Kubota. This “8th month” finding surprised the entire child psychology field.) - Rule 6. The parents need to become parenting geniuses: in order for the child’s always unique genius to be cultivated (See Anne Roe, David McClelland and Maxwell’s SuperParenting which distills the essence of Professors Anne Roe’s and David McClelland’s extensive studies of “high achievers.” Read T. Barry Brazelton’s and Burton White’s books on child development and care. Disregard all non-medical advice by Dr. Benjamin Spock.)
- Rule 7: The Mother plays “hide and seek” and other spatial games with the baby shortly after birth and continues variations of the game into childhood. Hundreds of variations exist. Peek-a-boo, then, chatting from outside the room. Then, when the baby can crawl, hide the baby’s favorite toy, etc. All such games teach the baby thinking skills. (Jean Piaget, the father of the scientific study of child development.)
- Rule 8: The Dad begins to play mathematical games with the baby from about 5 months. E.g., “counting toes,” “Falling Gravity,” etc., then at about 3 ½ years, simple card games, gradually moving to the Maxwell – Takahashi “Inventive Quotient (I.Q.)” abstract symbol games. This is a daily activity that guarantees the baby an IQ over 132, sufficient to qualify for MIT or Stanford. Thousands of brain-exercising games exist. See Maxwell’s SuperParenting for a classification system and a listing of the best.
- Rule 9: Be sure the child gets plenty of out-door exercise via games. (Plato and hundreds of researchers)
- Rule 10. Do not allow the child to become addicted to electronic devices: (Nearly all Japanese mothers restrict the child to about ½ hour per day of television and computer games. Consequently Japanese children score 11% higher than American children in mathematical achievement.)
Erikson, Erik, Childhood and Society. New York. W.W. Norton. 1950.
This book is the classic in human development. The eight stages of development outlined in this book predict the psychological evolution of almost every human on the planet:
Stage | Age | Task or Question | |
1. Trust vs Mistrust | Birth to 1 | Is the world a safe place? Does the Universe love me? | Fiji: First 21 days of life, baby is in constant touch with mother or mother's mother or mother's sister. |
2. Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt | 1 - 3 | Toilet training, etc. | Tribal areas of world: no diapers |
3. Iniative vs Guilt | 3 to 6 | Control Desires | Japan: Child allowed great freedom, independence, never rebuked. Anne Roe Study: The father of a great scientist moved from New York City to Pennsylvania so that the child could learn agriculture and scientific method of thinking |
4. Industry vs Inferiority | 6 to 12 | Become competent | Ibo Land, Nigeria. Typical village had mentors for all trades. Baha’i Law: Child must master a trade by age 15. |
5. Identity vs Role Confusion | 12 to 18 | "Who am I" | Jewish culture: Bar and Bat Mitzvahs: Mormons: Family Tree Study |
6. Intimacy vs Isolation | 18 to 40 | Choosing a life mate | Korea: Father travels as far as possible to find a wife for son |
7. Generativity vs Stagnation | 40 to 65 | Invent something new | The Scots: Invented the Industrial Revolution; Americans invented the Information revolution |
8. Ego integrity vs Despair | 65 and up | Prepare for heaven | Most northeast Asian cultures. Elders become serene |